Things to think about when picking the best hosting service for your client’s website


Choosing a web host for your website is a big deal because it’s a key part of making your business successful. With the right web hosting, you can make a huge difference in how well your website works. If you choose the wrong one, you might have to deal with a lot of extra hassles and costs.  In this article, we’ll talk about some things to think about when picking a web host for your business.

1. Reliability and service of the server

In 2013, when Amazon didn’t do anything for 30 minutes, it lost $66,240 per minute.

Suffice it to say that keeping your website live is very important, and to do that, you need to look at how stable your web hosting provider is. There are many server monitoring tools available today to keep an eye on web hosts, but a web host’s uptime is generally enough to tell if it is stable.

At the moment, 99.95% uptime is the standard in the business, and anything less than that should be avoided. Premium accounts, of course, have more stable servers, and some even reach 99.99% service.

2. Servers can be upgraded  

Hosting plans come in all sorts of sizes and types these days, but if you’re just getting started, you’ll probably end up with a shared hosting plan. If you do, you should choose a service company that lets you upgrade your server. Even if you choose a great hosting plan, you will still only have a limited number of tools to use. As your website grows and gets more users (more than 30,000 per month), your shared hosting plans won’t be able to handle all the traffic. Finding a new host and moving your whole site to it is more expensive than finding a server that lets you upgrade your plan. If you’re just starting out, here’s a tip: 

 If your website does better on a VPS or dedicated server plan than on a shared hosting plan, you can get more server resources. Find a service that can change based on what your website needs.

3. Storage and how well it works

An e-commerce business takes up more room than a simple one-page website. So, if your client has a simple website, you don’t need to spend money on an advanced web hosting plan. When we say “performance,” we’re really talking about “speed.” As we’ve already said, finding a host that loads websites quickly can give users the best experience possible.

But success as a whole isn’t just about speed. It also depends on a number of important factors, such as:Scalability of bandwidth server technology

Make sure to check how well your web hosting server can handle the above things before you decide on a plan.

4. Do they have the most important parts? 

Even though most web hosting companies offer everything you need for a website, you should always check to see if they offer simple features like one-click installs, document management, and DNS management. Installing the key

One-Click Installer is a wonderful tool that makes it easy to install programmes like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. This is especially helpful if you don’t know much about the technical side of making websites. .htaccess file get access to

You will be able to get access to the.htaccess file if you need to make management changes to the whole site. With it, you can change and edit different parameters, such as authentication and management of passwords. FTP/SFTP get entry to

Most web hosting companies offer a few different kinds of document management, but the number of options is usually very limited. With FTP/SFTP get access, you’ll be able to send large numbers of files to your server in a safe way. If you’re just starting out, here’s a quick tip:

First, you have to forget about disc space and the speed at which data can be moved.

Most shared website hosting plans come with more than enough computer resources (RAM and processing power) for a small website. But in terms of storage and bandwidth, it’s easy to use third-party systems like Imgur, YouTube, Google Docs, and so on. to manage your pictures, videos, and documents.

5. Make a backup of your website

A website can’t work without backups. Even if you take all the security steps in the world, your website will still crash, have a bug, get a virus, or be hacked, which will damage it or, worse, wipe it out. This is why it’s important to have a good backup plan, so that if something goes wrong, you can always bring back a site that works.

To escape major damage, a good web host should be able to fix the whole site (or at least most of it) with very little downtime. You can ask your site host a few important questions about backups, such as:

  • Do they regularly back up everything? 
  • Can you use the control panel to back up the site by hand? 
  • Can you use a programme to make backups of your website automatically? 
  • Can you recover the backup file on your own, or do you need help from a support person?

You need to ask your hosting company all of these things.

6. Fast Speed and Response of Servers 

Now that Google ranks pages based on how fast they load on mobile, it’s clear that your website and business need fast page loads.

 It is best to choose a hosting service that has fast and stable server speeds so that your website runs quickly and smoothly. This not only helps improve the experience for all users, but it can also help your SEO results.

Use tools like Bitcatcha and WebpageTest to test the time to the first byte (TTFB) to see how fast and quick your web host is.


As we wrap up, we’d like to mention a few other things, such as good customer service that’s available 24/7, plans that fit your needs and are priced affordably, and return and renewal policies for web hosting. If you’re buying a shared hosting plan you should know how, if at all, the changes will affect your website and how it works day-to-day. Know that you have the right to ask these questions and that you don’t need to be afraid to do so. If you have any doubts or more questions about this topic, feel free to leave them in the comments part below.

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