Christmas Day Dressing – The Fashion Bug Blog

Christmas Day Dressing – The Fashion Bug Blog

Hi everyone.

Hope you had a great start to the week. December is here! Can you actually believe?? My girls get SO excited every morning for their advent calendar. I have an advent calendar that I fill with treats myself every year and in past years I have put hair clips and all sorts of little toys into it but this year I asked my girls what they love finding in their advent calendar and they all said chocolate…so I guess at least its very easy for me.

I know this season can feel a little crazy at times.  The social obligations, the school events, the buying and wrapping of presents, the decorating of your home – its non stop. I always find the planning ahead helps. Not leaving the wrapping of presents until the last moment, not planning too many things for one week (its ok to say no to social invitations!) and of course planning outfits ahead.

I always think about my Christmas outfits way in advance and I have teamed up with Selfridges to bring you some ideas for Christmas Day looks. I LOVE red (the Self-Portrait dress is so stunning and comes in a shorter version too) but also love love a white dress as well as a classic black dress (especially in velvet!!); it is such an easy piece to style and can be worn over and over again.

Wishing everyone a lovely week ahead xx

Something Sparkly

Something Red

Something Monochrome 

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